Alfa Clássicos

Bloco do motor

Interactive image map! Click on the number to direct access the part.

Sun Mercury Venus

<p id="frasenascategorias" style="text-align: center;"><strong>Interactive image map! Click on the number to direct access the part.</strong></p>
<img id="imagemnascategorias" class="wp-image-7332 size-medium aligncenter" src="×267.jpg&nocache=1" alt="" usemap="#planetmap" width="400" height="267" />

<map id="planetmap" name="planetmap"> <area alt="Sun" coords="0,0,96,26" shape="rect" href="" target="_blank" /> <area alt="Mercury" coords="0,0,126,76" shape="circle" href="mercur.htm" /> <area alt="Venus" coords="124,58,8" shape="circle" href="venus.htm" /> </map>

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